Personal Treatment
As part of the Creativity part of the Creativity and Collaboration module, I must create a treatment for a documentary relating to one of these themes: memory/love/time/friendship. This accounts for 40% of my overall grade for this module. I must explore, collect and critically engage with research from a range of different sources to create a strong documentary treatment.
DEADLINE: 1pm, 11th January, 2024

Personal Response to Brief
One thing that truly interests me in the medium of film is horror and so I wanted to include some aspects of this within my documentary work as an experimental piece. I have delved into experimental filmmaking in the past and have created a short, horror film as well as short-form content for social media. These skills I have learnt could be useful in the making of a documentary where I will use lots of performative instances which guide towards creating feeling and emotion within the piece. I would like to use lots of imagery, perhaps attaining to the Nichols' poetic mode, and voiceover, expository, to enhance the experience. I did, however, find it difficult to relate my medium to the several themes presented.
In response to the theme of 'love', I found it difficult to find something interesting to myself with this theme. Despite being in a healthy, long-distance relationship, I didn't want to use my own personal experiences for this topic. I find it difficult to engage with films and media revolving around love and would likely find it a boring subject to discuss. Having said that, there are many ways in which this topic could be utilised: for example the love of a lost family member, love of one's country perhaps or love of one's self. I, however, don't find any of these topics particularly intriguing to me and I don't have a strong sense of love for anything that would make a well-versed documentary, in my opinion.
I find friendship to be largely similar to the theme of love as it seems to fall under the same bracket of relationships. Once again, I don't feel much connection to this topic and it wouldn't necessarily be a good gateway for the horror aspects I'd like to use. Friendship is not something that I feel needs explaining or expanded upon, nor do I have any interesting stories about friendship. Although I could likely read interesting stories about friendship from others, I don't feel as though I could put my own spin on the subject, especially if it is about someone else's experience.
Time, I feel, is more related to myself and a topic I could discuss. It is something we all experience and my interest in science could be a good gateway into the concept of time and the science behind it. While I would find this particularly interesting, it does not, particularly, relate to my themes of horror. I am also very young and haven't lived long enough to truly understand time as a terrifying concept and so many interviews would need to be taken and I may feel a little distant from my work. I want to be engaged in what I'm creating and would rather pick a topic that is personal to me and so 'time' my not be suitable.
At first I struggled to find a topic related to memory that I could confidently create a piece of film for but after cycling through ideas about disease and crime, I came up with the idea to talk about nightmares and why they occur, relating them to memories and events of the past. This topic will not just be personal to myself but relatable to a wide audience of viewers and will utilise the horror aspects I mentioned before. With the topic of 'nightmares', I'd like to interview psychology students or professors which will overlay the horrific images on screen meant to scare but also inform the viewer. Taking inspiration from series such as 'Dahmer', 'Ripper' and 'Inside the Criminal Mind', I will take a psychological approach and utilise horror-driven imagery to create a narrative. As a child, I experienced night-terrors which are nightmares which seem real, causing the victim to thrash about in their sleep. I would like to interview others who have experienced this phenomena and the parents who have had their children succumb to this. I think the inclusion of horror imagery and tactics, a documentary about nightmares could be enticing and, indeed, terrifying.
Taken from ‘Inside the Criminal Mind’ (2018)
In response to the theme of 'love', I found it difficult to find something interesting to myself with this theme. Despite being in a healthy, long-distance relationship, I didn't want to use my own personal experiences for this topic. I find it difficult to engage with films and media revolving around love and would likely find it a boring subject to discuss. Having said that, there are many ways in which this topic could be utilised: for example the love of a lost family member, love of one's country perhaps or love of one's self. I, however, don't find any of these topics particularly intriguing to me and I don't have a strong sense of love for anything that would make a well-versed documentary, in my opinion.Friendship
I find friendship to be largely similar to the theme of love as it seems to fall under the same bracket of relationships. Once again, I don't feel much connection to this topic and it wouldn't necessarily be a good gateway for the horror aspects I'd like to use. Friendship is not something that I feel needs explaining or expanded upon, nor do I have any interesting stories about friendship. Although I could likely read interesting stories about friendship from others, I don't feel as though I could put my own spin on the subject, especially if it is about someone else's experience.Time
Time, I feel, is more related to myself and a topic I could discuss. It is something we all experience and my interest in science could be a good gateway into the concept of time and the science behind it. While I would find this particularly interesting, it does not, particularly, relate to my themes of horror. I am also very young and haven't lived long enough to truly understand time as a terrifying concept and so many interviews would need to be taken and I may feel a little distant from my work. I want to be engaged in what I'm creating and would rather pick a topic that is personal to me and so 'time' my not be suitable.Memory
At first I struggled to find a topic related to memory that I could confidently create a piece of film for but after cycling through ideas about disease and crime, I came up with the idea to talk about nightmares and why they occur, relating them to memories and events of the past. This topic will not just be personal to myself but relatable to a wide audience of viewers and will utilise the horror aspects I mentioned before. With the topic of 'nightmares', I'd like to interview psychology students or professors which will overlay the horrific images on screen meant to scare but also inform the viewer. Taking inspiration from series such as 'Dahmer', 'Ripper' and 'Inside the Criminal Mind', I will take a psychological approach and utilise horror-driven imagery to create a narrative. As a child, I experienced night-terrors which are nightmares which seem real, causing the victim to thrash about in their sleep. I would like to interview others who have experienced this phenomena and the parents who have had their children succumb to this. I think the inclusion of horror imagery and tactics, a documentary about nightmares could be enticing and, indeed, terrifying.Taken from ‘Inside the Criminal Mind’ (2018)

Who, What, When, Where and Why?
My subject matter focuses on a wide range of people with different experiences, therefore the people involved must be a large group of people. These people would include young adults, mothers, and elderly people. I think this wide range of sources would bring a certain nuance to the otherwise more sinister piece, allowing different experiences to shine through. I think it is important to see the differences between the young and old in regards to nightmares as it seems as you get older your dreams begin to change. I would also like to ask mothers on their experience with their children having nightmares: how that made them feel and what they did about it at the time. This wide range of ideas will also help with the re-enactment ideas and footage I am able to obtain. I would also, however, utilise a psychologist's perspective, giving a scientific reason to why we have nightmares. This will allow the documentary to not just seem like a horror film but a justifiable viewing experience as the viewer is able to learn something.
My subject matter focuses on a wide range of people with different experiences, therefore the people involved must be a large group of people. These people would include young adults, mothers, and elderly people. I think this wide range of sources would bring a certain nuance to the otherwise more sinister piece, allowing different experiences to shine through. I think it is important to see the differences between the young and old in regards to nightmares as it seems as you get older your dreams begin to change. I would also like to ask mothers on their experience with their children having nightmares: how that made them feel and what they did about it at the time. This wide range of ideas will also help with the re-enactment ideas and footage I am able to obtain. I would also, however, utilise a psychologist's perspective, giving a scientific reason to why we have nightmares. This will allow the documentary to not just seem like a horror film but a justifiable viewing experience as the viewer is able to learn something.

The film will consist of interviews turning to voiceovers over the re-enactments of their words. The interviews will take pace in dark, moody rooms, perhaps within their houses, utilising a dark colour palette and sinister lighting. This will also help to set the mod for the interviewees who might feel at little scared in this setting, adding to the feel of the documentary. I will also film actors acting out the scenes and utilise horror tropes such as pauses, silence and terrifying imagery to evoke feelings of dread and horror in the audience. These will also parallel the knowledge of the psychiatrist, who will also be filmed in a similar location, detailing why these things happen, in-sighting the audience to carry on watching even if they are scared.

As mentioned, the interviewees will we interviewed in their own homes but will be modified to appear more sinister and haunting. Utilising a single lampshade and a almost black background, the scene will feel frightening in itself which are then mirrored by the horror-driven images. Taking inspiration from American true crime documentaries, scenes will be filmed outside in gloomy forests with horror imagery included; the music will also add to the sense of dread. Where exactly the re-enactments will take place will depend on the stories being told.
As mentioned, the interviewees will we interviewed in their own homes but will be modified to appear more sinister and haunting. Utilising a single lampshade and a almost black background, the scene will feel frightening in itself which are then mirrored by the horror-driven images. Taking inspiration from American true crime documentaries, scenes will be filmed outside in gloomy forests with horror imagery included; the music will also add to the sense of dread. Where exactly the re-enactments will take place will depend on the stories being told.
Horror has always intrigued me and I have attempted to make my own horror work in the past. It is a genre which is difficult to get right and so I wanted to create a narrative which evokes dread in a well-presented way. Through the medium of documentary, it seems that horror is a trope that is not used enough (apart from true crime) and so I wanted to include it here with my theme as it fits well and can be utilised in a prominent fashion here. The theme of 'nightmares' is particularly interesting to me as I used to suffer from 'night terrors'. Getting to know why these terriblle things happen is very interesting to me and hopefully it would be interesting to an audience as well.

Taken from ‘Annabelle’
Creative Overview
The documentary will take on a horror-esque style in which the viewer is taken through frightening scenes whilst learning about why they happen. Taking inspiration from ‘Annabelle’ and ‘The Shining’, ‘Nightmares’ will include jumpscares and a dark atmosphere. Much of the film will be taken on high-end digital cameras to capture every aspect of the horror elements, such as a dark woods, creepy doll or clown face (this is dependent on what is said by the participants). However, some of the footage may be taken on film cameras or security cameras where the grain is increased to create a creepy, broken look to the film, taking inspiration from ‘Skinamarink’ and online horror. I want the stories by the participants to be brought to life and this can be done effectively by utilising a wide range of mediums and asthetics to help both encapsulate the viewer and create consistancy in the film.
When interviewing the participants, attention will be on their body language and their emotions when telling their stories so I will use lots of close-ups on their hands and faces to see the extent of their fear. Not only will this help create a sense of dread for the viewer but also may make the participants somewhat aggitated which will help bring their emotion through. This will be shot on 24fps on a digital camera to help keep the piece modern and relatable to the viewer as it is not only about the experiences of the participants, but that of the viewer.
Style of Documentary (Nichol's Six Modes)
Since this documentray hinges on the performance of actors acting out the scenes of the participants’ nightsmares, the importance of a performative style is very prominent. Using this style, I will have an underscore underlyng the horror taking place on screen, coupled with the words of the participant. The performance will depend on the experience of the speaker but I will make sure to hire actors well-equipped to handle these scenes taking place. This will bring the dcumentary to life and through this style, I hope to engross the viewer in the happenings.
By utilising the expository style, I hope to use the ‘voice-of-God’ to help the viewer understand the visuals on screen. This voice will be that of the participants and will paint the horrifying picture of the nightmares as their own expetriences. This may recollect with the viewers and will help the visuals accompanying the voice. This style is also relevant in the interview sections of the documentary, which will have the participants relay their thoughts and feelings directly to the camera in a dark room. The psychologist will also be woven throughout to help make an understanding of why these things take place, whilst not taking away the horror factor on screen.
Since this documentray hinges on the performance of actors acting out the scenes of the participants’ nightsmares, the importance of a performative style is very prominent. Using this style, I will have an underscore underlyng the horror taking place on screen, coupled with the words of the participant. The performance will depend on the experience of the speaker but I will make sure to hire actors well-equipped to handle these scenes taking place. This will bring the dcumentary to life and through this style, I hope to engross the viewer in the happenings.
By utilising the expository style, I hope to use the ‘voice-of-God’ to help the viewer understand the visuals on screen. This voice will be that of the participants and will paint the horrifying picture of the nightmares as their own expetriences. This may recollect with the viewers and will help the visuals accompanying the voice. This style is also relevant in the interview sections of the documentary, which will have the participants relay their thoughts and feelings directly to the camera in a dark room. The psychologist will also be woven throughout to help make an understanding of why these things take place, whilst not taking away the horror factor on screen.

Taken from ‘Rapid Eyes’ (YouTube)
Actors- Actors play an important part in this documentary as they will be performing the dream experiences held by the interviewees. It is important that they have experience working on a horror set and/or a documentary so that they are familiar with the filming process and what they must do. They will be required to listen to the interviews and look at the facial expressions and actions of the interviewees to help paint an accurate picture of their dreams. The actors would, ideally, look somewhat like the interviewees so that they seem to be placed directly into the location.
Psychology experts (dream experts)- Psychology experts will play a crucial role in teaching the viewer about why these nightmares occur and will bring a sense on suance and sense to the piece. They will be asked a series of questions, specifcally related to the experiences of the interviewees, and will give insight as to the thory behind dreams and their meanings. This will give the viewer some reasoning behind them and will help them to understand their own dreams. The psychologists will be interviewed in a dark room, much like the interviewees, to adhere to the horror asthetic but will not be as frightening since they are bringing sense and reason
Interviewees- This will include a range of people who have stories to tell from young to old and mothers of children. To have a full look at the horrors of nightmares, I want a range of participants with a range of stories to tell so that they can be compared. A young person may have different experiences to an elderly person which will be interesting and asked about to the psychologist. Therefore, I would ask for a range of participants from ages 18-80, consisting of about 5 (depending on interest in the project). I would also like to include 1 or 2 mothers/fathers who have had experiences with their children having nightmares or night terrors and how they dealt with this. This would again be acted out by the performers, taking careful consideration of the circumstaces of these stories so that they are handled with care and affection.
A/V Script


Many of the locations will depend on the experiences of the participants but can be deduced by well-known places of nightmares such as woods, family homes or childhood places (such as theme parks and ball pits). Looking at horror movies, these places seem to be a catalyst for nightmares and so these places may be used depending on the interviews. I think it can also be noted that childhood places may be an important part of the documentary, not just because of their apparent fright factor to aducts today, but also because of the memories which can be distorted to nightmares at an older age, or even as children.
The interviews, however, will take place in the homes of the participants, sporting a dark interior at night when these experiences occur. The rooms will be lit by singular lamps and childhood nightlights to help set the horrifying ambience mirrored in the performed scenes. This mood will also help to bring the prticipants’ emotions to light as they may feel scared even talking about their experiences given the setting they are in. The psychologists will be places in similar settings but will consist of less childhoof imagery and more adult home layouts, for example: rather than being placed in a childhood bedroom, they will be placed in a living room at night. This will help keep the ambience of the film but will also distinguish between the interviewees and their nightmares with truth.
The interviews, however, will take place in the homes of the participants, sporting a dark interior at night when these experiences occur. The rooms will be lit by singular lamps and childhood nightlights to help set the horrifying ambience mirrored in the performed scenes. This mood will also help to bring the prticipants’ emotions to light as they may feel scared even talking about their experiences given the setting they are in. The psychologists will be places in similar settings but will consist of less childhoof imagery and more adult home layouts, for example: rather than being placed in a childhood bedroom, they will be placed in a living room at night. This will help keep the ambience of the film but will also distinguish between the interviewees and their nightmares with truth.
Design and Wardrobe
The design of the performed scenes will depend on the nightmares explained but will likely consist of makeup remeniscent of clowns or masks used to depict horrifying villians which may come up in the interviews. The actors clothing will likely be dark and gloomy, perhaps using blood splats or bruises as well which may give a zombie effect. The design will be brought about after the interviews and will take some time to iron out as well as give to the actors involved. It may also be useful to have to actors involved in the design so that they are aware of what they will be wearing which may affect their performance.
Participants are to wear whatever they feel comfortable in so that they are comfortable when being interviewed so long as it is appropriate for television. However, it may be beneficial for them to feel some discomfort which will be brought throught the dark ambience but it may also be required that they wear something dark as to not bring too much attention to their clothing wich may ruin the atmosphere created. If this is something they do not wear often, then this could also help them to feel some discomfort. The psychologists, similarly, may be required to wear dark clothing but objects around the room, such as their Ph. D certificate, may be in the background to help distinguish their place in the documentary.
Participants are to wear whatever they feel comfortable in so that they are comfortable when being interviewed so long as it is appropriate for television. However, it may be beneficial for them to feel some discomfort which will be brought throught the dark ambience but it may also be required that they wear something dark as to not bring too much attention to their clothing wich may ruin the atmosphere created. If this is something they do not wear often, then this could also help them to feel some discomfort. The psychologists, similarly, may be required to wear dark clothing but objects around the room, such as their Ph. D certificate, may be in the background to help distinguish their place in the documentary.

A lot of my photography will take inspiration from current horror films such as 'Skinamarink', and 'Midsummer'. 'Skinamarink' truly terrified me after viewing and is, perhaps, my favourite piece of experimental horror. It utilises grainy security cameras in odd positions which create a sense of unease during the film. In the re-enactments, I would like to do something similar; either by using security cameras or through the use of a high ISO which will create the grainy effect. I also recently watched the film 'Midsummer' which is an extremely horrifying and disturbing film. The bright colour palette contrasted with the bleak scenes and amplified the blood in some areas. Particularly looking at the fire scene, I would like to take inspiration and do my own scene which correlated to this in terms of bright contrasting colours. This will contrast nicely with the rest of the film which will be very dark and help to create a sense of unease.
The film will be shot on 25 fps but I will utilise motion blur in some cases to depict a dreamlike state and may even use different shutter speeds to further the distortion during the film. I will also use dark setting and carefully placed lighting to help with the effect of horror and dispair in both black and white and full colour.

Sound Design
The sound during the piece will take inspiration from horror movies such as 'Skinamarink' and 'The Shining'. Static sound in relation to the static infused shots taken, will create an eery atmosphere, evoking a sense of dread throughout the re-enacted scenes. Use of sound cutting abruptly and loud noises will help to shock the audience, especially when coupled with scary imagery. I would like the participants to sound nervous to further the horror aspect of the film.
Inspiration: - Static noise - Creepy music - ‘The Shining’ Soundtrack
Post Production
When editing the film, both photography and sound must be addressed as a lot of editing may be necessary to create the feeling needed. In terms of sound design, editing software can be used to edit noises and add sound effects relevant to the horror theme such as screams, children playing or other ghostly sounds. Sounds will need to come in and out of balance and echoes, whispers and other effects may be used. The post production will take a disjointed approach when referring to sound so that it appears experimental and exciting. I want the experience to evoke emotion in the audience so lots of effort and time will be taken during the post-production process to allow the film to appear more sinister than it was when originally filmed.
The colour may need to be corrected greatly, especially if scenes are shot in the night or utilise a bright light source. Overlays may be used to create certain effects such as static imagery and jumps in the film. Objects may appear on the screen which may help to engross the viewer and to ask the question of what may be wrong. Footage will be taken on a wide range of different cameras and so lots of editing may be required to piece it together so that it is cohesive yet insightful.
This is a short film I produced which may give some insight into the type of post production and style to be used in this documentary.